The Beginners Guide To Safely Join And Use Ebay
The Beginners Guide To Safely Join And Use Ebay
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I don’t think it matters where you are these days, if you mention the name ‘ eBay ‘, there is someone there who has either bought an item on it, or who has sold something on it, eBay has become a household name around the world. I started buying and selling on ebay around 7 years ago. There are thousands of people living in the U.S. that make full time living’s selling item’s on eBay, and thousands more that buy items on it daily.
eBay was started by one man named ‘ Pierre Omidyar ‘. When Pierre was 28 years old he started writing the programming code that was to become the internet site eBay. The site was launched online on Sep 4, 1995, ‘ Labor Day ‘ here in the U.S. At first it wasn’t called eBay, but was named ‘ Auction Web ‘. Later it was changed to ‘ ebay ‘ , which was a short version of a consulting firm Pierre owned named ‘ Echo Bay ‘. eBay was free at the start, then it started charging fees to help cover it’s internet costs for hosting and other charges. At the time, Pierre was dating a woman that collected PEZ toys, she used the new eBay site in its earliest incarnation to buy and sell rare dispensers. In 1996 Jeffrey Skoll, a Stanford MBA, joined the company and by 1998 eBay had gone public in the stock market, making Omidyar a billionaire. In 2005, Omidyar’s 214 million eBay shares were worth around $8 billion. In March 1998, Meg Whitman was brought in as President and CEO of eBay where she serves still today
Let’s start by going to the eBay site and joining. Just visit: and you will be taken to the main page of the website. Once there look towards the top area of the screen and you will see text that says: ‘ Hello! Sign in or register. ‘, using the mouse button, click on ‘ register ‘. After clicking on ‘ register ‘ you will be taken to a screen with a form on it, enter the information about yourself, such as your name, address, telephone number and email address. Next you will be taken to another screen where you must choose a password and ebay user name, the eBay user-name is the ID or Name you will be known by to other ebay bidders and shoppers.
The password should be something that is not common, for instance do not use your first or last name, or some common word such as ‘ pencil ‘, or ‘ computer ‘, take your time and choose something difficult and a little long, make sure you write this password down and keep it near your computer in case you forget it. I recommend writing your ebay password on a yellow post-it note and hanging it someplace near your computer.
When your done with the username and password screen, you just have to check your email for the confirmation link that eBay sends you, just click on the link as shown in the email to activate your eBay account, now you have joined eBay, and you can start bidding and buying right away, but before you do let me tell you about the different features of eBay and how some things work.
eBay is not just an auction site, I mean you do not have to bid and wait for an auction to end, in order to purchase every item on eBay. In fact many items can be purchased for a set fee, and bought instantly, these are called ‘ Buy Now ‘ listings. For an example of how listings differ from each other, let’s look at some ebay items. Let’s say you and I are looking for a ‘ singing fish ‘, the fish that look like their mounted and displayed on a piece of wood, when someone gets near it, it will start singing and move it’s mouth and tail, they are often called ‘ big mouth billy bass ‘.
To see if eBay has any of the ‘ singing fish ‘, we just go to the main ebay page ( and in the ‘SEARCH’ area, type in: singing fish, and the screen shows there are currently 60 different items or listings found. I scroll down and select one of the listings, it currently shows the current bid price is $7.00 and it has had 4 bids, with 1 day and 13 hours remaining before the listing or 레플 auction ends. If I really wanted this item, and was willing to pay up to $15.00 for it, I would just click on ‘ Place Bid ‘, and enter my ebay username and password, if requested to
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